Rental Agreement & Terms

By reserving The Cabin at Mountain Glen, you agree to the terms and conditions of this rental agreement:

The number of people staying at the cabin shall not exceed the total listed in your reservation request. The maximum cabin occupancy is 6 people, unless specifically agreed to by Winetrailcabins LLC. A fee of $25.00 per person per day shall be automatically added to your account if the agreed to occupancy is exceeded. You must be 21 to rent The Cabin at Mountain Glen.

No Pets
No pets are allowed on the premises of The Cabin at Mountain Glen. A minimum $100.00 cleaning fee will be automatically assessed to your account if evidence of pets in the cabin is noted. Additional damage fees may be assessed.

No Smoking
Smoking is not permitted inside the cabin. A minimum $50.00 cleaning and odor removal fee will automatically be assessed for smoking in the cabin. Ashtrays and sand buckets are provided for your use OUTSIDE the cabin and at the shelter.

Lost / Stolen Items
You are responsible for lost, stolen or damaged contents in the log cabin you are staying
at and the cabin itself.


Deposit Required
A 25% deposit by credit card or check received 15 days prior to your reservation date will hold your reservation leaving you free to pay with cash, check, paypal or charge when you arrive.


Returned Checks
Winetrailcabins LLC. Will gladly accept your check for payment, however a valid credit card must be provided. There is a minimum $35.00 charge for returned checks.


Check In/Check Out

Check in time begins at 4:00pm. Check out time is 12:00pm. Please call for late check in.

In event of cancellation please call or e-mail us as soon as possible. Cancellations will be refunded in full up to 10 days prior to check-in date. If your cancellation is less than 10 days prior to your arrival, a full refund will be provided if the cabin if rented on the dates you reserved, however you will be assessed the full rate if the cabin is not rented or your cancellation is not received. 


There is no charge for cleaning provided the following items are completed!

Please wash all dishes. You may leave the dishes in the dishwasher. Please place all trash in the trashcans provided. Place used towels in the hamper or tub. Please place all cabin contents back where you got them!

A $20.00 cleaning fee may be assessed if the cabin is not in a neat and orderly condition.

Responsibility for Occupants, Stolen or Damaged Items
You are responsible for all items in the cabin and grounds. This includes any items that are damaged or stolen during you stay at the cabin. You are responsible for any damages by your guests or other occupants of the cabin during your stay.



You agree that "Winetrailcabins LLC" nor its owners or partners are not responsible for the actions of you or your party while on grounds.